Robert and Andrew

Our Story

We're pretty sure the first time we were ever in the same room together was sometime during the spring of 2002, when Robert sat in on an Oxy Glee Club rehearsal as an admitted student. The Glee Club was rehearsing Handel's Messiah, with Andrew as one of the two men assigned to sing alto. For three hours. Robert attended the concert, and remembers noticing the cute brown-haired man singing alto. Andrew remembers three hours of falsetto.

When Robert started at Oxy, Andrew was studying abroad in Scotland but friends told Robert about Andrew. In fact, many fellow singers in the Occidental Glee Club insisted that the minute we met we would fall madly in love and get married! In fact it took months for any moves to be made at all, but after playing cello together in a performance of the sixth Brandenburg concerto, our musical connections helped us begin to realize how compatible we really are.

Our first dance was a polka, at the Oxy-Caltech Waltz Night on Saturday April 5th, 2003. That Thursday (April 10th), we had our first date: watching "L.A. Story". We spent time together that summer as Andrew stayed in L.A. for a summer research fellowship, and continued to see each other frequently as members of the Oxy Glee Glub board. We also played a lot of mini golf.

Poster for Handel's Messiah

Robert surveys New Haven

We lived apart from the summer of 2004 to the summer of 2006 while Robert studied abroad and finished his studies at Oxy and Andrew graduated from Oxy and earned an MS in Human-Computer Interaction at Georgia Tech. Since 2006, we've rarely spent more than a week apart. We lived in New Haven, Connecticut from 2004-2006, where Robert earned a Master of Music from Yale while Andrew worked as a User Experience Designer in New York. Since 2008 we've lived in Atlanta, Georgia where Andrew is pursuing a PhD in Human-Centered Computing. Robert serves as the Director of Music and Organist at a local Lutheran church, teaches voice, piano and cello, sings in many choirs and serves on the board of the Atlanta Early Music Alliance. We collaboratively spoil the bizarre kitten-creature that is Margo.

Robert proposed to Andrew at Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh, Scotland on March 26th, 2011, minutes after the photo on the right was taken. Of course Andrew said yes!

Now, more than 9 years since our first polka, we're delighted to celebrate our wedding with all of you. We can't imagine life without each other, and we can't wait to spend the rest of our days as husbands.

—Robert & Andrew

Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh